We are pleased to announce that we are now able to collect & send parcels for:
Royal Mail Parcelforce, DPD, Amazon & you can use St Michael Street Post Office for LOCAL COLLECT.
Ask for details at the counter.
The Management of St Michaels Services Ltd are delighted to announce that we have taken over the St Michael Street Post Office.
The current opening hours are 8.00am – 5.30pm Monday – Friday 9.00am – 12 Noon Saturday.
There are two collections during the weekdays approx 11.30am & 3.30pm Saturday there is only one collection at approx 11.30am
Our Londis store now has a huge range of goods & services available including:
Hot food to go from Stone Will’s Kitchen which has Wraps, Roll Over Hot Dogs & Toasties.
Costa Coffee, (Hot & Cold) & Milk shakes.
Our extended range of Dairy products and frozen food includes items for lunch, frozen meals and a new range from Cookfood.net (a wide variety of frozen meals for one or the whole family)
We have also extended our car care section to include, all you need to keep you on the road from wiper blades to light bulbs and all the usual cleaning kits to keep your vehicle looking smart.
Get your newspapers and magazines here too – daily & weekly papers, weekly & monthly mags.
Our beer, cider, wines are spirts offerings have also been extended so there is something here for everyone.
Now if you have a sweet tooth, that is covered too. Impulse buys near the till and a huge selection of American candy & sweets have also been introduced.
The laundrette is also available 24/7 offering an 8kg & 18kg washer & tumble drier facility. Ideal for large items or for team kits, dog beds & horse blankets. (Please read the instructions carefully prior to use as detergent is supplied – no need to add any powder)
In September 2021, the standard petrol/unleaded grade ( or main grade) in the UK will become E10, in line with government mandate. E10 petrol contains up to 10% renewable ethanol, compared to 5% currently, which is added to help reduce CO2 emissions1 , according to the Department for Transport.
E10 petrol is compatible with almost all (95%)1 petrol-powered vehicles on the road today, including all cars built since 2011. If your vehicle or equipment is not compatible with E10 fuel, you will still be able to use E5 by purchasing Shell V-Power grade petrol from our Shell service stations or Esso Spureme +99 from our Benmar site in Moffat. On ALL our forecourts, we will clearly label petrol as either E10 or E5. The change in fuel only applies to petrol; diesel fuel will not be changing.
To get a quick check on whether your vehicle is compatable with the NEW E10 PETROL click on the link below to the Government website and follow the prompts:
We are now stocking Wynn’s E10 Protector for your petrol engines – 250ml of E10 protector will treat 250Ltrs of fuel. Pick up E10 Protector from any of our four Service Stations.